OK I guess I am not asking the right question, so here goes. Is there a program that will let me manipulate the files on my Phone from the computer such as windows explorer? Like putting an SD card in a reader and working with the files on it. Using explorer to work the tree on your harddrive. I have 30 years of computer/networking background but it was all DOS/Windows/TCPIP based and this phone business is all new to me. I see replys of guys working with the file structure of the phone/sd card and would like to learn about it myself but I need some info getting started. I have searched as they say till my eyes were "bleeding" but everybody has a different view of how to do things. Maybe this is not possible to do but until somebody tells me it isn't I will keep trying to find out how to do it. I downloaded Root Explorer but it makes no sense to me on how to use it. What I want to do is make sure I have a good backup and a second backup incase I screw my phone up. I have installed Titanium Backup, Droid 2 bootstrapper, and Z4Root and Root Explorer.
Sorry for the long winded reply. Thanks Dave