OK, I want to put out there the guide I found for getting the latest EC02 update onto the Galaxy Tab 7" (SCH-I800) for Verizon ONLY. This is a PRE-ROOTED release. I did NOT do any of the work here. This posts contents was taken and slightly modified from GizmoNinja. I just made the guide a bit better, and easier to understand. Again, in case you missed it a second ago, FOR VERIZON ONLY.
Download Heimdall from Here:
Heimdall – Glass Echidna
Also just below version 1.1.1 is Microsoft C++ This also needs installed on your machine because it has .dll files Heimdall uses.
Power off your Tab. With your USB connected to your PC, hold volume down on your Tab, and plug it in via USB. This will launch Download Mode.
Unzip Heimdall and go into the drivers folder, and you will see zadig.exe. Run this.
At the top you see options. Click “list all devices”, then in the dropdown select Android USB composite device (or whatever it says).
Click start and let Heimdall download the drivers.
We are going to download the Stock rooted images of EC02, and the VOODOO zImage.
Stock rooted EC02 —>http://bit.ly/i9i7Vw
VOODOO zImage —> http://bit.ly/goYbcp
We are now going to flash the rooted EC02 files via Heimdall.
Power off your Tab. With your USB connected to your PC, hold volume down on your Tab, and plug the USB cable into the Tab. This will Launch Download Mode.
The zImage (from the zip file, NOT the voodoo zImage you just downloaded) goes in both the Kernel AND Recovery slot.
The factoryfs.rfs goes in Factoryfs
The Param.lfs goes in Param.lfs
The cache goes in the cache slot.
DO NOT EVER EVER EVER PUT ANYTHING IN ANY OTHER LOCATION. THESE ARE THE ONLY FILES YOU NEED. **Note, if Heimdall fails at the very beginning, just try unplugging and turning off the tab, close, and relaunch Heimdall-frontend.exe. It will eventually start.
After you have the files in place click “Start” to flash. ALWAYS make sure your battery is sufficiently charged or you will have MAJOR problems.
After the flashing process has completed, the Tab will reboot automatically. CONGRATULATIONS! You now have a ROOTED EC02 update!
IF, when booting up for the first time, you have a bootloop, power down, wait a few seconds and hold power and up volume to boot into recovery. (NOTE, do NOT hold power too long, just long enough to turn it on. Once you see the Samsung words in the middle of the screen, you can let go of the volume button. It will boot into Recovery in a few seconds. WIPE DATA AND CACHE. Tab should boot fine when you reboot again.
SKIPPING ACTIVATION: To bypass the activation (or setup wizard), when it appears, select your language. Then on the next screen do:
Obviously 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x are the number of times to press the corresponding button.
This is the final step. Instead of flashing recovery VIA Rom Manager (since the recovery in Rom Manager is not updated to the latest kernel source), we will be flashing @khasmek (aka Boushh from XDA) EC02 VOODOO kernel which will also give us a fully working ClockWorkMod recovery!
Again, we will be using Heimdall to flash the zImage we downloaded above (NOT the stock zImage that was in the zip). Please make sure this file is zImage only on your PC. Flashing anything with an extension (zImage.txt, zImage.zImage, etc) will not take.
Power off Tab and disconnect from PC. Hold volume down and plug into PC to get into download mode. Launch Heimdall. Put the VOODOO zImage in the kernel slot AND recovery and hit start. This will flash a custom kernel AND @khasmek VOODOO recovery
First boot may take a while due to EXT4 partition conversion. This is normal. If you bootloop for ANY reason, wipe data and cache. By the way, this kernel is also overclocked to 1.4Ghz. Must use SetCPU otherwise stock speeds of 1Ghz will be default.
*Note: Remember, do not use ROM Manager to flash a recovery or you will have to reflash your Tab back using Heimdall and the EC02 files above.
Download Heimdall from Here:
Heimdall – Glass Echidna
Also just below version 1.1.1 is Microsoft C++ This also needs installed on your machine because it has .dll files Heimdall uses.
Power off your Tab. With your USB connected to your PC, hold volume down on your Tab, and plug it in via USB. This will launch Download Mode.
Unzip Heimdall and go into the drivers folder, and you will see zadig.exe. Run this.
At the top you see options. Click “list all devices”, then in the dropdown select Android USB composite device (or whatever it says).
Click start and let Heimdall download the drivers.
We are going to download the Stock rooted images of EC02, and the VOODOO zImage.
Stock rooted EC02 —>http://bit.ly/i9i7Vw
VOODOO zImage —> http://bit.ly/goYbcp
We are now going to flash the rooted EC02 files via Heimdall.
Power off your Tab. With your USB connected to your PC, hold volume down on your Tab, and plug the USB cable into the Tab. This will Launch Download Mode.
The zImage (from the zip file, NOT the voodoo zImage you just downloaded) goes in both the Kernel AND Recovery slot.
The factoryfs.rfs goes in Factoryfs
The Param.lfs goes in Param.lfs
The cache goes in the cache slot.
DO NOT EVER EVER EVER PUT ANYTHING IN ANY OTHER LOCATION. THESE ARE THE ONLY FILES YOU NEED. **Note, if Heimdall fails at the very beginning, just try unplugging and turning off the tab, close, and relaunch Heimdall-frontend.exe. It will eventually start.
After you have the files in place click “Start” to flash. ALWAYS make sure your battery is sufficiently charged or you will have MAJOR problems.
After the flashing process has completed, the Tab will reboot automatically. CONGRATULATIONS! You now have a ROOTED EC02 update!
IF, when booting up for the first time, you have a bootloop, power down, wait a few seconds and hold power and up volume to boot into recovery. (NOTE, do NOT hold power too long, just long enough to turn it on. Once you see the Samsung words in the middle of the screen, you can let go of the volume button. It will boot into Recovery in a few seconds. WIPE DATA AND CACHE. Tab should boot fine when you reboot again.
SKIPPING ACTIVATION: To bypass the activation (or setup wizard), when it appears, select your language. Then on the next screen do:
Obviously 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x are the number of times to press the corresponding button.
This is the final step. Instead of flashing recovery VIA Rom Manager (since the recovery in Rom Manager is not updated to the latest kernel source), we will be flashing @khasmek (aka Boushh from XDA) EC02 VOODOO kernel which will also give us a fully working ClockWorkMod recovery!
Again, we will be using Heimdall to flash the zImage we downloaded above (NOT the stock zImage that was in the zip). Please make sure this file is zImage only on your PC. Flashing anything with an extension (zImage.txt, zImage.zImage, etc) will not take.
Power off Tab and disconnect from PC. Hold volume down and plug into PC to get into download mode. Launch Heimdall. Put the VOODOO zImage in the kernel slot AND recovery and hit start. This will flash a custom kernel AND @khasmek VOODOO recovery
First boot may take a while due to EXT4 partition conversion. This is normal. If you bootloop for ANY reason, wipe data and cache. By the way, this kernel is also overclocked to 1.4Ghz. Must use SetCPU otherwise stock speeds of 1Ghz will be default.
*Note: Remember, do not use ROM Manager to flash a recovery or you will have to reflash your Tab back using Heimdall and the EC02 files above.