Not to contradict what everyone else is saying, but I had the bionic and you could see the screen anywhere...bright noontime sun directly on screen problem stores with bright lights...easy to see and read from a distance. I have had several phones with amoled and super amoled screens and they all are basically terrible in direct sunlight. You can see the screen in bright sun if you turn brightness all the way up. Automatic screen brightness adjust it some but not enough. I walk outside a lot, sometimes in shade or sun or switching. I text or look at phone occasionally for most of the walk. In shade or indirect sun you can use it. As soon as bright sun hits directly on screen, you cannot see it. Have to cup your hand around it or get in shade. Every amoled phone I have had has been this way. I am not slamming on the RAZR/MAXX. I have the maxx and love it, but the bionics screen in direct sunlight is much easier to see. These are my opinions from personal experience , I have done no scientific tests. I was always amazed how easy the bionic's screen was to see. When I got the RAZR immediately noticed it was harder to see everywhere. If you turn brightness up fixes the problem but then reduces battery life. Amoled screens draw a lot of power so many people turn the brightness down to conserve power. The amoled screens have vibrant colors and other features that make them my 1st choice for my screen, but they come with a few trade offs.