How do you use the keyboard?


Jan 29, 2010
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I was playing around with a droid at the store today and trying to figure out the onscreen keyboard, but something really really bothered me. I could not figure out how to move the cursor forward and backwards, up and down without touching the screen, I see that there is no D-pad on the phone when closed, but is touching the screen and hoping the cursor ends up in the exact spot you need it to really to only way to manuever with the keyboard closed? This seems really ineffective to me, but I couldnt find anyother way. It really made me miss a d-pad. Is this the only way or did I miss something?
hi :D you'd be surprised how incredibly accurate it is when you try to hit a certain spot with your finger! it still shocks me lol

either way ...i'm not sure about the stock keyboard but i use swype and it has a navigation screen as well. (i've only met a couple ppl that didn't like swype out of hundreds so you should at least try it) hope this helps :D
Swype on Android? Excellent! I recently got swype for my Omnia (it comes standard on the Omnia2) and it has given my phone a new lease on life, the small screen no longer irritates me as much. Will Swype be available on the N1 when it reaches Verizon?
Yeah I would say that someone will port Swype onto the Nexus if they haven't done it already, Swype isn't really made especially for Android officially, someone ported it over I guess to where you can use it quite well, Im using it as I type this and I love it. But I would say it is actually already on the Nexus 1
hi :D you'd be surprised how incredibly accurate it is when you try to hit a certain spot with your finger! it still shocks me lol

either way ...i'm not sure about the stock keyboard but i use swype and it has a navigation screen as well. (i've only met a couple ppl that didn't like swype out of hundreds so you should at least try it) hope this helps :D

++^^ Swype is great. There's a few other similar products out there as well. So worst case (if Swype doesn't officially come to Android) there will be a close alternative.