How do I


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
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How do I enter my name so it shows up as "This phone belongs to" and then my name?
there is an app in the market called "contact owner" that makes it show up on the lock screen that's what I use although there is also another app which does it that I cant think of the name of
I use the Contact Owner app too. I thought it was a cool idea that is a good "just in case" if I lost the phone that might help it find its way back to me easier. For rooted phones there is a PullDown Editor that changes the Verizon to your name too on the notification bar. The contact owner has an email too though that the other does not.
If you're rooted, edit the eri.xml file located in the xml folder of /system/framework/framework-res.apk with a hex editor.