How do I delete read-only contacts?


New Member
Dec 22, 2010
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I'm no techie, just an average consumer. Recently downloaded Facebook Sync app without realizing that it would automatically sync ALL contacts upon installation. Now I have over 1500 read-only contacts that I don't need or want and can't delete.

What should I do to get rid of these contacts?

Motorola A854
Did the samething. If you remove the fb account from My accounts it will remove the contacts, or at least it did for me. I then went to the market and got a free FB app. Now it works like i want it to. What i cannot get is why my contacts have email address and phone number from several years ago. Anyone know how to wipe all contacts and start over.
in the FB app, go to settings. at the bottom, there is options to change the sync settings
Thanks, guys! As an aside, when I tried to remove the facebook app for droid the request was denied and the device informed me that I could only remove the app by restoring factory default.

Your suggestions and time are greatly appreciated!dancedroid
What is the process to remove a contact from read-only in order to enable deleting the contact?

Thanks for answering what has to be a trivial question.
Go into your dialer, tap contacts, long press on the contact you wish to delete. Select delete...done.

Or am I misunderstanding? ?

Hadn't tried that but when I did I had the same result; can only hide a Read-Only contact not Delete.

Any suggestions?
Pessoa said:
Hadn't tried that but when I did I had the same result; can only hide a Read-Only contact not Delete.

Any suggestions?

unless you root, I think that's all you can do. I could very well be wrong.

Thanks, I'll wait until after ICS.

Or, if this really bothers me I may do a total reset and send a new Outlook file to the RAZR.
Having the same problem since I upgraded to Ice Cream. It appears the contacts come in from Facebook. I hid one and now I haven't been able to find it to even try to delete it. Grrrr