How can i make a "whole" picture my background not just a cropped version?


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
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I enjoy having a personal background picture, but the incredible really ruins it for me. You have to crop basically 1/3 of the picture you want, then it blows its up and ruins the picture. So, how can i make a full picture my background wallpaper?
Did you tap the orange box and expand it fully?
When you select a photo for use as wallpaper, there should be a orange box overlaid on the image, this is what you stretch for the size you want. Then hit save or discard.

What is the size of the phots you want to use?
And remember that the wallpaper is across 7 home screens, though it doesn't scroll over 480 pixels each time you switch screens. Resolution should be 960x800, rather than 3360x800!

And just to clarify - what you're trying to do on the phone when you crop the image is take an image that's in the aspect ratio of 360x480 and crop it into an aspect ratio of 960x480, which is why it's cutting part of it. You can make a file of size 960x480 with the 360x480 image in the middle (will need to be stretched to fit the 800 vertical pixels, but then you'll end up with wallpaper only on your center home screen.

I had the same problem and fought with the thing forever before realizing that the wallpapers such as those provided are actually in a more landscape than portrait aspect ratio. Good luck!
I'm wondering the same but for the droid. Is there a way to put any size picture as a background?? or some type of hack for it, so when you expand the box you don't have to choose a certain part of the background
Ohhh ok i understand thank you.

Took me 4 hours back in Nov when I got my First Droid....Almost threw the damn thing out the window.....
You can also get LauncherPro, which has a setting to disable wallpaper scrolling.

From the LauncherPro home screen, it's Menu>Preferences>Appearance Settings> Disable Wallpaper Scrolling.

You'll have to either center the portion of the wallpaper you want in the crop box, or make a wallpaper that's exactly what you want showing surrounded by black to either side, then disable the wallpaper scrolling. You'll have exactly the same wallpaper on all home screens.
I grabbed some of the 600x800 wallpaper in the gallery and it still crops it down stupid... am I doing something wrong?