Here is my entry to the Xmas theme Contest.
My take on this Xmas theme is that i wanted to get away from the obvious Candycanes, xmas lights and the like. If you know my themes at all you know I like clean unobtrusive images. I hate stuff that is over the top it just doesnt seem to flow for my eyes in my opinion. So i decided to go a little bit more Classy, and went with Red and Gold (inspired by my Wife @jessgill55) So without Further ado I give you SynerClaus!!!
This Theme is for Liberty 3 v2.0 on the Bionic (it will also work on the D3)
What this will theme:
System UI
Calendar Widget
DeskClock Widget
Gingerbread KB (compiled from source by me)
New Google Music (widget)
Settings (widget)
Roboto Font
Animated Pull down shade (please not it wont animate the first time you pull down the shade. Pull it down a second time and you will be good to go)
I am using my buddy @whiteblazer00 ADW theme which you can find here
http://Check out ADWTheme
The Wallpaper im using is here
I made a Beautiful Widget as well which is here
To use this Beautiful Widget theme
1. Download zip
2. Extract the Synerclaus folder
3. Connect your phone to your computer via USB
4. Place Synergyclaus folder in /sdcard/data/beautifulwidgets/skins
5. then apply in the BW app
Here are some screens and a video of the theme in action:
Download and install instructions:
1. Download Zip
2. Place zip on sdcard
3. Bootstrap
4. Reboot into recovery
5. Choose install zip from SDcard
6. choose
7. Proceed with the install
8. Reboot
9. Enjoy your Holidays
Direct Download:
Happy Holidays to all From BSThemes
Remember to follow me on Twitter @bgill55