Hi From the Emerald City


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Greeting from the Great Seattle Area!!!!!!!!!!

Fairly new to DROID..... had an ERIS and hated it. Moved to Droid2 and gave that to daughter after I got my DX.

Love the DX's screen real-estate and less weight than the D2.

OTA Upgrade was performed and now running 2.3.15 on it.

Love the forums ... and adding this to tapatalk for me .... Great site and great people from what I see thus far!
Welcome! Good to have you and you daughter is fortunate to receive the Droid2. Check out the Forum for the sections on the X and Droid2.

ty you all. I was nervous about trying to root my DX. I just went through the Verizon OTA Upgrade to 2.3.15 .... and wasn't sure if I would be able to root it since it wasn't a leaked/hacked version .... but in the end I was successful.

nothing personal about the DX .... but I really like my iPhone (don't kill me for having one) Safari Browser as compared to the DX's HTML Browser. Got the root working today (using the non-pc root process listed in the Droid2 forum area) and got the wifi tethering running.

there are a few things (few mind you) that I do like about the iPhone a little better than the Droids (certainly nothing I can't live without) ... but 99% of the time the Droid way-out-performs the iPhone. Nice to have a phone that you "can do so much with" instead of being restricted by what Apple tells you what you can and can't do with software and functionality.

Awesome phone ... and awesome site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had an iPhone. It took me a few days to make to transition. I rooted my Droid and it offers so many options that I would not consider another iPhone. I have a MacBook Pro and an iMac and my Droid play nicely with both.
