Hey Y'all


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
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I'm new to the forums. I currently have the HTC Thunderbolt and a Huawei S7 tablet. Still waiting on an update for the S7. I am a huge fan of the androids and of HTC. I'm on my 3rd phone from HTC. I started out with the HTC 6900 and then went to a BB Storm which is probably the worst mistake ever. I couldn't wait to get rid of it. Then I got my first android the HTC Eris. I loved that phone but it still had some minor issues. Now I have the Thunderbolt and absolutely love it. Still learning with all the tips and tricks I've seen from these forums. I know absolutely nothing when it comes to Roms,Flashing and ect..so I guess that still makes me a rookie to the android system. If anyone has any tips or tricks feel free to PM me thanks.

Sent from my Thunderbolt using DroidForums
welcome to the forums, check out the thunderbolt section for some great info. don't hesitate to ask questions, and of course, enjoy your stay.

Thanks! I was actually just looking through the TB forums. There is some pretty good info there. Haven't noticed in power button problems that some seem to be having and hope I never do lol..

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Welcome to the forums! :)

I also had the migraine that was the Eris, and I could only tolerate it for about six months before I hocked it in Craigslist for a Motorola Droid. I've never been happier since switching to Motorola, but I can definately see the allure of an HTC phone, especially the Thunderbolt! Hope you enjoy your stay! :D
Yeah the Eris definitely had its issues but it was 10x better then my BB Storm so I couldn't complain to much lol.. but the Thunderbolt is a world of difference compared to any phone ive ever had .. I really like HTC Sense on the Thunderbolt its a lot smoother then the Eris was.

Sent from my Thunderbolt using DroidForums