Hi everyone!


New Member
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
San Francisco
So I'm the proud owner of an HTC thunderbolt (still debating on the name), I been using a Samsung Fascinate on and off for about 6 months but wasn't really sold on it. I'm a blackberry lover (Storm 2)!! But the thunderbolt is an awesome phone, just got it today and so far so good... :D Any tips, hints, or must knows about the thunderbolt are welcome and appreciated!!:smile:
Thank you!!

Also any advice on apps to try out would be appreciated! I really never got into playing too much with the fascinate...

The only problem with the Thunderbolt is that the battery life is terrible. Set your brightness low, it saves a lot!
Set your brightness low and download LTE OnOFF TeamAndIRC from the market. If you're not using 4G, switch the radio to CDMA only. And also as said before set your brightness low. Should be fine with battery then. If not, you can always root the beast. :p

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Welcome to the forum. Be sure to check out the TB section in the forum for more info.

sent from my Hawaiian Xoom...ALOHA
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us. We have a subsection dedicated to the thunderbolt where you can find a lot of info on this wonderful phone. We also have a sister forum that is dedicated to only the thunderbolt.