Hey all status update

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The GRD Dev Team
Premium Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Ok as of right now I got a email from webs are dev website hosting company has been contacted by Motorola complaining about are website .....I am at work right now ..I get off in a few hours
An the email I got from webs says I have 2 business days to take down registered trade marks. Belonging to Motorola INC ...I am thinking the pics of the Droid 2 global devices I have on the banner also the web address can not have Droid 2 global in it but I have 7 business days to fix that.......I will have access to my mega account tonight at 11pm est time I might try media fire but I have to complete the dev site edits so we don't lose access to our site

Also I can't belove this happened the people that donated money cancel your transactions please paypal has froze my account saying the status of your account is frozen doing to breaking a paypal infringement call customer support with so so file number

My account has plenty of money in it but it did not do this until these issues started with motto

On a side note I am. Never buying another Motorola product ever again ...

Even thinking about going out an buying a htc phone an buying at full price ......probably wont happen as I don't have that kind of money but it is a possibility if I do get that money ......
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Im with you on that one Wozzy .. I think its crazy that moto is crying on the playground .. if theyre gonna be selfish an cry like little babies for no reason then they will never get another dollar from me for any product .. especially something like a phone that i always have on me and constantly use!:icon_evil:

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What kills me is Motorola gained popularity from their OG droid. Thanks to verizon and us users. If it wasnt for the OG Droid, they still be selling razors.......:icon_ banana:
Wonder if that's why fission site went down too. This is weird all that's going on with mono. Are they also targeting dev teams for dx and d2 I wonder? Its all around the release of gb for our devices. Besides, droid is a trade mark of George Lucas.
Something strange is going on and id like to know what.
But regardless we'll keep working away behind the scenes. Time for less moto and more AOSP. Hang in there folks.

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I literally just bought an HTC Desire Z. This is ludicrous. I still have my D2G though, but wow, this is horrible.
yeah I will be putting the dev site offline for a few hours for re designing purposes
Wonder if that's why fission site went down too. This is weird all that's going on with mono. Are they also targeting dev teams for dx and d2 I wonder? Its all around the release of gb for our devices. Besides, droid is a trade mark of George Lucas.
Something strange is going on and id like to know what.
But regardless we'll keep working away behind the scenes. Time for less moto and more AOSP. Hang in there folks.

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I am not sure but I am guessing that prankster who was bragging last weekend about cracking there Bootloader even know it was not real I am guessing he turned the heat on for the rest of the dev teams
Could be... but my understanding was that even his c&d letter was made up and that moto really wasnt involved. Been following p3droid lately and it sounds like d2 (and hopefully d2g) will be seeing some official GB love in the near future. Surprised droid-life hasnt written whether other teams are facing this difficulty. Just have to find out whats eating moto and correct it without compromising what we're giving to the d2g community
Waiting so see where this all ends up
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Wonder if that's why fission site went down too. This is weird all that's going on with mono. Are they also targeting dev teams for dx and d2 I wonder? Its all around the release of gb for our devices. Besides, droid is a trade mark of George Lucas.
Something strange is going on and id like to know what.
But regardless we'll keep working away behind the scenes. Time for less moto and more AOSP. Hang in there folks.

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odd that FRM is down as well. .. now GRD ... whos next? id sure like to know what the hell crawled up motos butt .. i used to hear great things about moto and then all of a sudden its like they turned exwife psycho on everyone!
yeah, up until i got the D2G, i had high respect for moto, i thought their phones were great and i made the purchase of the D2G knowing that it had a locked bootloader because i had such respect for moto's phones, but now i have lost all that respect for moto after seeing how theyre alienating their devs and users who want to make the user experience better, as much as i dont like to say it, my next phone will not be a moto phone
Are any of the dx or d2 dev sites down? Or is it just fission and grd?

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Liberty doesn't have a site, for good reasons, in hindsight. Their paypal appears up for the moment.

Apex's wiki appears to be offline, same as their beer fund link.

MIUI doesn't have one...

Epic has been MIA for months.

But... I'd say yes, Moto hit everyone they could snatch up.
Don't they realize that we'll just come back even stronger? We're like a damn hydra, cut one head off and two more grow back :motdroidvert:
Don't they realize that we'll just come back even stronger? We're like a damn hydra, cut one head off and two more grow back :motdroidvert:
Oh, I'm sure they're aware. Probably naming their lawyers Team Heracles in anticipation.
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