I flashed teh SBF today and been getting the phone to an acceptable level again. Stock ROM, rooted for framework image tweaks, few widget image tweaks, underclocking, and best of all the TiBu. However, there's two things that I am already irritated with and I've never had happen before.
1) When I change the USB setting to mount/unmmount the sdcard with the pc, the verizon page opens in the browser, opens the browser if it is not. This also happens when I reboot in to recovery.
2) When I reboot in to recovery, it used to go right to the green text options in recovery. Now it goes right to the ! in the triangle. Then I press home button to get to the options. Also, and I think this is related to this issue, Whenever CWM reboots to recover for back ups, or installing an update zip, it fails... goes to the !triangle, then shows fail after pressing home button. I have to name everything update.zip and get in to recovery, past the triangle, apply zip from card, toggle verification (never had to before), then apply. Rendering CWM useless.
3) Lastly, when plugging in to the pc, the auto play always stayed up until I picked something, now it flashes and it's gone. Only does that with teh phone.
Any suggestions are more than welcome! Thanks
1) When I change the USB setting to mount/unmmount the sdcard with the pc, the verizon page opens in the browser, opens the browser if it is not. This also happens when I reboot in to recovery.
2) When I reboot in to recovery, it used to go right to the green text options in recovery. Now it goes right to the ! in the triangle. Then I press home button to get to the options. Also, and I think this is related to this issue, Whenever CWM reboots to recover for back ups, or installing an update zip, it fails... goes to the !triangle, then shows fail after pressing home button. I have to name everything update.zip and get in to recovery, past the triangle, apply zip from card, toggle verification (never had to before), then apply. Rendering CWM useless.
3) Lastly, when plugging in to the pc, the auto play always stayed up until I picked something, now it flashes and it's gone. Only does that with teh phone.
Any suggestions are more than welcome! Thanks