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i am a noobie and i tried to root my phone......everything looked like it worked and i installed the superuser but i can't use it. what did i do wrong???? i have terminal emulator on the phone as well as per the newbie guide.
You can use a custom ROM that has already removed the bloatware, or you can use an app like Root Explorer to browse /system/app and remove the bloatware.
I recommend the custom ROM as it is less work and completely de-binged.
Installing a custom ROM:
You need clockworkmod recovery to do this.
#1) Install ROM Manager and select Flash ClockworkMod Recovery
-This will put an file on the root of your SD that the stock recovery will use to launch clockworkmod recovery. This will not work until we configure the stock recovery to use test sigs for (or something like that. I am kind of a newb myself)
#2) Follow this Guide: Clockworkmod installation how to for windows / *nix - xda-developers
-Pretty easy to do and fool-proof.
#3) After done with step 2 open Rom Manager and click Reboot into Recovery.
-The phone will reboot, the stock will install the to lauch clockworkmod recovery. The text menus should be green.
-Use the Vol + & - to scroll and the back softkey to select.
-Go to backup and restore and back up your phone.
#4) Reboot your phone, open Rom Manager, select Download Rom and pick one in the list (I like jt1134 Super Clean Rom).
I would suggest Freezing them instead of Uninstalling. Not sure if it will be the case with the Fascinate, but on the D2 and DX certain apps were required to be installed to receive OTA updates.
Freezing allows you to easily restore the apps later without tracking down the .apk file.