Help with motoprint...


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
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I have searched the forums and can't find anything relevant. I have the Motorola Razr 4G and it came with all these apps. Motoprint is one I would really like to use. I went through all the steps that I could find (Installing Motoprint Host software on my computer), but nothing. The phone finds the printer then tells me to install the host software that I have already installed. The printer is an HP USB'd to my router with lets me use everything wireless (Ipad, laptop, even the phone, etc..) I even tried to put in the IP address manually and it still tells me to install the Motoprint Host which IS already installed...(IOS Win.7) Am I missing something???? It's driving me nuts!:frown:
Thank to anyone in advance for your help...
I have searched the forums and can't find anything relevant. I have the Motorola Razr 4G and it came with all these apps. Motoprint is one I would really like to use. I went through all the steps that I could find (Installing Motoprint Host software on my computer), but nothing. The phone finds the printer then tells me to install the host software that I have already installed. The printer is an HP USB'd to my router with lets me use everything wireless (Ipad, laptop, even the phone, etc..) I even tried to put in the IP address manually and it still tells me to install the Motoprint Host which IS already installed...(IOS Win.7) Am I missing something???? It's driving me nuts!:frown:
Thank to anyone in advance for your help...

Motoprint works wth printers shared from the PC, so in order to work the host PC is hosting the printer, not the router. You need to connect to the computer and select the printer connection through the PC, not the router.

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Motoprint works wth printers shared from the PC, so in order to work the host is hosting the printer, not the router. You need to connect to the computer and select the printer connection through the PC, not the router.

Then none of my computers can print but the one physically connected to the computer.. What's the point of wireless if that's what I have to do?
You can access the printer remotely if it's hooked up to a PC but that PC must be on and awake.
You can access the printer remotely if it's hooked up to a PC but that PC must be on and awake.

Ok, I must be a total ditz... This just made me more confused.... I have the printer hooked up to the modem/router so that I can print from all my computers, minus the Ipad of course.. The Razr even sees the IP addy of the printer.. Should I just give up?
Check the market for an HP app, you can configure cloud printing from Google thru Chrome as well.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I'm not sure what the solution is for the OP, but motoprint does work for printers connected to a router. I use my HP p3010, which is only connected through Ethernet, to print from all the time.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Ok, I must be a total ditz... This just made me more confused.... I have the printer hooked up to the modem/router so that I can print from all my computers, minus the Ipad of course.. The Razr even sees the IP addy of the printer.. Should I just give up?

The reason this may be confusing for you is because even though the printer can be talked to directly while on the WIFI from all your other devices, Motoprint is actually doing the talking to the printer as the host so you can print to printers being hosted by Motoprint PC hosts on the WIFI network. This is why having the PC act as the host for your printer communications is crucial. Otherwise, the RAZR would have to have Android drivers installed for the printer...something I don't see the printer manufacturer devoting development resources to write. Think of it this way, the Motoprint host is taking your order and walking it to the printer for printing, not too different than when a restaurant host takes your order and runs it to the cook.

No, let's try from scratch.

First and VERY important, you MUST be on your local WIFI with the PC, the Printer AND your RAZR all on the WIFI and active at one time in order to configure the printer. This means you can't configure your home printer while at work, however you can install Motoprint on the office PC and configure your office printer as well (I love this tool!) This only needs to be done once.

Next, you have to install the Motoprint Server software from HERE.

Once installed, you are going to then start the Motoprint software on your phone. You'll come to a screen with the how to's. Click on Continue at the bottom. Now you're in a screen where you can select what type of document you can print. Here, you want to press the MENU button at the bottom of the phone, and then choose Manage printers. There will be NO printers listed - YET...unless you've added a printer and it's not functioning properly. If there is a printer listed, press and hold it, then select Remove Printer.

Click on Add printers at the bottom. A screen pops up asking if it's a printer At Home or At Work. Choose At Home.

Now, choose Find printers at the top. If your phone is on the WIFI network with the computer, your printer is properly configured on the network, you have Motoprint running on your PC, and the printer is configured properly on the PC, the printer should pop up pretty quickly.

Select that printer and allow it to confirm it. Once a Green check mark appears, click Save at the bottom.

You should be done and can click the Back button at the bottom of your phone, go to the screen which has the choices of what to print, choose a document to print and it should proceed to the Printer selection menu with your printer at the top. Click on your printer and it will first confirm availability and then give you some printing options. This same screen allows you to flip between printers in the drop-down at the top if you chose the wrong one in the prior screen.

Choose the number of prints you want and click on Print at the bottom. You printer should come to life and print your document.

Good luck. dancedroid
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I'm not sure whether this should be a new thread. The situation: XP PC with wifi and two wired printers, plus pseudo printer PDFCreator (all shared). Latest Motoprint Host installed. Droid Razr with Motoprint connected by wifi. Under printer shares, Razr lists all three printers but the real ones are "unsupported". PDFCreator works. Under Motoprint Hosts, PC is recognized, all three printers are listed and I can apparently select all of them (green check marks plus a note comes up that the printer is confirmed) and and save the result. When I reopen Motoprint and select a file to print, all the printers are listed, but the real printers have orange exclamation marks or black crosses beside them, and of course nothing prints. As with printer shares, PDFCreator works. What now? kgundry