Greetings Benevolent Handcent Experts:
Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this question, but I've got literally NO responses elsewhere, so hopefully someone here can help:
I'm wondering how to send a text to a group of ~500 people, on my Samsung Epic. Here's what I've tried:
Created a Google group
Compose the message
Go to the "plus sign" at the upper right
Select "Group"
Select the Group I want to send the message to (either by the checkbox on the left, or the arrow on the right/menu/select all)
What happens every time: a "Please wait, checking all contact" message pops up, then I'm returned to the composing screen. NO contacts are entered in the "To" field.
How do I make this work? Thanks in advance,
Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this question, but I've got literally NO responses elsewhere, so hopefully someone here can help:
I'm wondering how to send a text to a group of ~500 people, on my Samsung Epic. Here's what I've tried:
Created a Google group
Compose the message
Go to the "plus sign" at the upper right
Select "Group"
Select the Group I want to send the message to (either by the checkbox on the left, or the arrow on the right/menu/select all)
What happens every time: a "Please wait, checking all contact" message pops up, then I'm returned to the composing screen. NO contacts are entered in the "To" field.
How do I make this work? Thanks in advance,