Help - Rezound won't charge


Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Had the phone for a couple weeks now and for the first time ever it completely died at work because I forgot to charge it last night.

Now plugging it in with the battery after a pull or plugging it in without a battery and the orange light comes on for a second or two and then turns off.

The phone won't turn on at all with my dead battery or on just the power cord with no battery. but if I take an old charged battery from my previous Incredible and line up the battery contacts and hold it there the phone will boot up. But even if I plug in the phone while it's booting up and then take the battery off it dies instantly.

So it looks like there's zero juice going through the charging port - anything else I can try at this point before bringing the phone in?
Ah, nevermind - got impatient and just went to VZW. They replaced the phone under the 30-day hardware warranty.