ive tried everything I could for almost a week now.... Stuck in Bootloader Screen 30.04 Err A5,70,70,00,1F MEM_MAP Blank Service Reqd Battery Ok OK To Program..... I came to a Droid X last week from a Rooted for over a year Droid 1 with never a problem flashing... With new Droid X tried to flash Gummy Jar last sat without a wipe ( I know my stupidity thought coming from stock phone could get away with it trying to rush but boy was I wrong) after being stuck at loading gummy jar icons tried to factory reset... been stuck at the bootloader screen since.. tried flashing and 2.3.32_1FF sbf... got newest drivers and rsd 4.8... ran as administrator... phone never shows either... got it once to do something in rsd saying phone was being programmed with 2.3.32 but when it said finished waited hours never rebooted .... stuck dont know what to do....anyone local want to give it a go email me please athack@roadrunner.com or try to walk me through what i have to do step by step.... thanks