Hello :)


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
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Hello. I've been browsing this site for helpful tips for months. Finally, I'm part of this community :) Guys, I'm having this dilemma of whether I should buy a samsung galaxy note or just be content with my tab p1000. Enlighten me pls. Ty heaps :)

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Welcome to DroidForums!! Happy to see you finally joined up with us.

And I am sorry to say but I know little to nothing about either of those devices so unfortunately I do not have much to offer in the way of advice. Hopefully someone with a little more knowledge than myself will come along shortly. But I will say that is you are happy with what you have then it is all about what you need/want, and that is something you have to decide :)
Welcome to the site. Good luck with your decision. dancedroid