

New Member
May 6, 2011
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Hi everybody,

This is my first post here and I'm now using HTC Incredible S with Android 2.2.1 OS. I'm in love with it but sometimes I found problems using my phone and I hope by joining this forum we can gather information and solve the problems.
Yes hello, and welcome.! Since u r still on froyo u might wanna root that bad boy and enjoy some tethering while its avail.
Anyways welcome to the save ur phone forums!
WElcome to the communtiy. Glad to see you joined us and feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help and get you adjusted to your new android. Dive on in and make yourself at home
Welcome to the forum. Great to have u here. I'm sure the community will be more than helpful to assist u in majority of ur issues. Be sure to view the subforum for ur phone, I'm sure there's a ton of info that will help. If not, as 252 said, we are here to assist u

sent from my Hawaiian Xoom...ALOHA