Hello There


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Just got my Droid yesterday after 3 months of waiting for my upgrade. Love it! Only 1 force close, and that was because i forgot to unmount the sd card. No reboots. Runs smoothly, just love it. Huge upgrade from my Samsung Glyde, which i still want to throw against the wall. Anyway well hello.
Just got my Droid yesterday after 3 months of waiting for my upgrade. Love it! Only 1 force close, and that was because i forgot to unmount the sd card. No reboots. Runs smoothly, just love it. Huge upgrade from my Samsung Glyde, which i still want to throw against the wall. Anyway well hello.

Welcome, manurules3! Glad you found us! This place is full of friendly folks and great information. So just look around and make yourself at home! You'll be amazed how much you can learn by reading the threads here on the forum! If you get stuck, just post a question and someone will be along to help you out. Enjoy!

Forget the top 5, list ALL of your apps
