hello peeps!


New Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Hello, new here and really enjoy the knowledge that's here. I am new to rooting, I have the RAZR maxx. Verizon. I came to find out why I can't get bootstrap to work for me, and learn something new!
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Do you have the correct version of bootstrap for your device? Safestrap is another option for the Maxx as well...
I'm sorry, i meant safestrap...i have version 3.05.....every thing shows as its supposed to until rebooting, then no new splashscreen. I have not tried bootstrap. I just want to flash a new rom!
I'm sorry, i meant safestrap...i have version 3.05.....every thing shows as its supposed to until rebooting, then no new splashscreen. I have not tried bootstrap. I just want to flash a new rom!
Hello bhappy! I do not know anything about the Razr or Safestrap but have you checked out the Razr section and posted your question? I think that would be a good place to get started.
Yes, I have posted in that forum, but i appreciate you pointing it out anyways! Btw, loving this site!