Hello! and Heeeelllllppp!!


New Member
Sep 22, 2010
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Hello all tech savy! I am new to the smart phone. I bought my Droid X about two weeks ago and VERY slowly learning my way around! I am a RN/Paramedic so this is by FAR not my specialty, but once I master it, I think it would be a huge help! My first problem is that I downloaded handcent for text messages, but I can not figure out how to uninstall the original text that came on the phone, so now, everytime I recieve text messages, they come in duplicates to both places. Is there a way to sync them or uninstall the original? I would like to use the handcent exclusively. Suggestions??? Please, I need someone to take me by the hand and lead me through this new world of the smart phone!!!
Thanks!!! ~Summer~
O.K...take my hand :wink:

Go into the stock messaging application and then settings/notifications and turn them off

Then you will only get Handcent notifications, you cannot uninstall the stock messaging app, only quite it.

Anything else while I am here ?

BTW :welcome: to the Forum and Congrats on the DX

if I ever need Medical Attention I might ask you :biggrin:
Welcome to the forum.
As you delete them off handcent it deletes from the stock app as well.
As stated above turn off notifications and you won't get double tones.fwiw,I use the stock app for drafts.I send a Bible verse out every morning at oh dark thirty and save it the night before

wified from my Incredible monolith using SlideIT on Tapatalk
Thank you soooooo much! Don't let go of my hand yet, i'm sure I have many many more questions! And i am here for any medical advice you may need in return!!! :)
I am not new to smartphones but am new to Droid so I'm not much less green but came to this forum not too long ago and have learned a lot.
One main thing to remember is if you aren't sure more times than not, press/ hold of the screen brings up options. Copy paste being one example on web pages, texts, etc.

wified from my Incredible monolith using SlideIT on Tapatalk
Medic, should you decide to try a different email app like K9 or Touchdown you will need to turn off the notifications in the stock app.

Most importantly if Verizon or anyone told you you need a Task Killer, they were wrong...Uninstall it and you will notice performance and battery increases

If you haven't installed one...don't :smile:
What??? I have already installed a task killer. Everyone said it was a MUST! It doesn't save battery?
Task killers are bad for Android

#1 Misconcieved thing about this OS

You don't need it!
Just turn auto kill off. If you have an app that wants to act stupid sometimes you can open the task killer app and kill it BUT when you open the app you will see lots of apps running. Just let them be. They are not using any cpu or battery and if your phone needs to use the memory they are taking up the phone will kill them. The battery drain comes when we kill then and they start back up, which they will, we kill them, they stay back up, etc.
I have mine set to short touch kills the app I want killed and long press brings selected app back up from minimized but auto kill off

wified from my Incredible monolith using SlideIT on Tapatalk
Either that or just uninstall the task killer. I'm from a windows platform so I'm used to using a task switcher, which is what I've turned my task killer into by setting it up the way I have it set

wified from my Incredible monolith using SlideIT on Tapatalk
What??? I have already installed a task killer. Everyone said it was a MUST! It doesn't save battery?

Search these forums. There are several threads discussing the use of taskillers. The Android OS has a built in memory manager and taskillers are actually bad to use. Only helpful is an app is stuck.

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