Hello all


New Member
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone,
I ve been looking through the site for awhile now and figured I should register :) I ve had A Driod X for sometime until about 3 months ago I was updating the phone and it wiped my phone completly (including OS). Pissed me off so insead of sending it out and waiting a few days to have a phone, I decided to get the Thunderbolt. Before the Driod X I was a BlackBerry user. I decided to get away from the BlackBerry because it seemed as if they got off the technology train and there was a complete lack of apps IMO.

I gave my BlackBerry to my gf as she was having smartphone withdrawls lol. So I bought her the new Iphone 4s, she has wanted an iPhone for awhile :) So it looks like i ll get to exp both worlds soon enough.
Welcome to DF!! Make sure to stick around for a while!
Looking up how to root right now. Gonna take off some of the bloatware next :)

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Freezing .... I'll have to search that and get educated.

Sent from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk!
Welcome to the forums!:) Hope you get your phone rooted and debloated in no time.

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