Greetings to all the droids out there. I am Michael and pleasure to meet your aquaintance. I am a part time noob, but I've already learned a lot thru the journey last year with my droid. I started out with a Pantech Breakout [worst phone ever... but good start for noob to droid!]. I've learned from the forums how to root my phone then I rooted my wife's and son's. The Breakout is a good beginner phone but very limited on memory and I had gone about as far as I could go with it. I worked Verizon into getting us new phones even though our upgrade date was still a year away. I couldn't decide between the Galaxy S3 or the Droid Razr. I am glad I went with the Razr. I've rooted mine and my wife's phone so far and getting ready to start flashing roms like Jelly Bean. I look forward to learning all I can from everyone. Thanks.