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heads up guys

Hey guys I know this shouldn't be a separate thread...but let me tell you I have not been happier with my TB...I reverted from GB back to Froyo to avoid bricking..and I just flashed the new Thunder ROM 1.0.......

all I gotta say is...this is running better then anything...I mean Virus ROM ran amazing but its based on the older software...(although its still great.)....I used to run Liquid Thundersense.. it used to run good but I am not a fan of IMOSEYON kernels...

BAMF was laggy and slow also(sorry lol) ...this NEW Thunder ROM is the real deal...

heres a link check it out...I am running the stock Adrynalyne kernel...battery life sucked at first after a few charges...I have never seen this good of battery life!

CHECK IT OUT [ROM] ThunderROM 1.0 [Deodex'd/Power Widgets/Stable/Fast] 5/26/2011 - xda-developers
I thought I would give this rom a try and I do like the theming.

The one thing I was stunned by was how fast my GPS locked. I don't know if its the Tom or not but I've never locked so quickly. I locked in 1-2 seconds. It locked immediately!

Someone let me know if you are locking immediately also.

This rom is worth taking a look at!
use this on my daughters dinc. Great rom...gonna try on tbolt now. Bamf 1.7 has been a bit laggy lately for me as well. Cleared cache and dalvik cache...and it helped for just a little bit...but its getting laggy again.
If I install this ROM will it replace the existing kernel or do I have to do that manually?

EDIT: Answered my own question by installing, it does, and so far I love it.
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.I used to run Liquid Thundersense.. it used to run good but I am not a fan of IMOSEYON kernels...

May I ask why you're not a fan of IMOSEYON kernels? I've not flashed a ROM on my TB, but it's going to happen sometime this week. I was going to flash an IMOSEYON kernel and Liquid Thundersense because that combo seemed to get good reviews. BTW, this ThunderRom looks pretty slick. I might have to give it a shot.
I switched to the extended battery just a few days before flashing this ROM so it's hard for me to judge the battery life, but I don't ever run out :-)

One really good thing I can report is I've only had one reboot since flashing.
Yesterday after 12 hours of use I still had about 45% battery left... I'm running at 1ghz and have a screen off profile set at about 300-400 or so. I leave GPS/Wifi/Bluetooth off unless using it but I did use GPS for about half an hour yesterday and was streaming Pandora to my car via bluetooth for about 45 minutes... Other than that I would say normal use.
Not too bad, I may consider this more seriously.

I highly recommend it. I've had ROMs installed on my D1 DX and now my TB and this is probably my favorite so far... I prefer my ROM's to appear "stock" in the sense that the quality seems to be something that would be released by the manufacturer (funny sort of I know) and this does that for me.
Battery life reports?

you've been....THUNDASTRUCK!

My battery life is great. But I think battery life is one of those things that is different from phone to phone depending on many factors. On any thread I've ever read you will see one state that battery is the best ever and the next guy will say it's the worst. But my battery is doing very well with this rom. I have been pretty pleased with it.

Like all you guys I like trying different roms from time to time. This rom is worth taking a look at. It seems to be a straight forward rom that works well.