

Jun 5, 2010
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ok so i downloaded and installed handcent sms. I love the app its really cool, but wheneveri get a txt message both handcent and messaging icon pop up in my notification panel. its like im getting dual messages. Can anyone help me out to where only handcent pops up in the notification panel and not both of them? Thanks
All you do is go into the stock messaging app into settings and turn off notifications.
Its ok the first time I download handcent I ask my friend who told me about it the same thing and then I felt like a dummy.
this is honestly the 20bagillionth thread on this - searching first doesnt hurt anyone :)
theres also the double message problem where people will tell you to turn off notifications and wont understand that you meant two messages come in each time.... ive kinda given up on the app fixing that.
theres also the double message problem where people will tell you to turn off notifications and wont understand that you meant two messages come in each time.... ive kinda given up on the app fixing that.

this is just a problem with the network - if the signal is interrupted when its trying to send, most likely you will get 2 messages. its not your phone
theres also the double message problem where people will tell you to turn off notifications and wont understand that you meant two messages come in each time.... ive kinda given up on the app fixing that.

In 7 months of using handcent and have never seen double messages....has that been reported to the dev?
theres also the double message problem where people will tell you to turn off notifications and wont understand that you meant two messages come in each time.... ive kinda given up on the app fixing that.

In 7 months of using handcent and have never seen double messages....has that been reported to the dev?

i get them with the droid, i got them with my htc, i dont fret too much about it. i dont think its handcent because i can go into my stock messaging and see it there too.

but i send/receive a lot of texts so maybe its just interference
My wife gets two notifications with Handcent. Notifications are turned off for the stock messaging app. I've never had the issue. Not really sure what to tell her. I thought maybe she wasn't acknowleding receipt of the text but I verified she was. Might just setup the stock messaging app with SMSPopup for her.