handcent notification questions


Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
droid x, rooted, liberty gb v.09 watermark'd.

i use handcent for my messaging. is there any way to disable my stock messaging so that when i get a text i dont get 2 notifications in the notification window and 2 ringtones? quite annoying. also, can i make my ringtone for my text and email different?
I use titanium backup and freeze the stock messaging app

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I'm not sure about Handcent but if you try out GoSMS, it has a setting to disable the stock messaging notification. GoSMS has all the features of Handcent but in my opinion it's a bit nicer, give it a shot
downloaded GOsms and like it better. problem solved. Thanks!
I thought you might, I had the same complaint and a friend recommended GoSMS
Just disable notifications from in the stock messaging app settings.