handcent not sending messages


New Member
Mar 3, 2011
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so i have a droid 2, i installed the handcent app, at first it worked fine but it was makin my phone really laggy. so i uninstalled it and reinstalled. the lag was gone but not i couldnt send out any texts. so i uninstalled again and tryed sending a text thro the stock texting app and it worked just fine. so i tryed reinstalling once again and still wont send anything. so any help would be greatly appreciated cause i really wanna be able to use handcent.
I tried doing a quick google search on your issue. It seems that there are a few people having the same issue. If worse comes to worse, try sending the developer a quick message to see if he can offer any insight. Good Luck to you
so i think i figured out the problem. my phone was sync'ed with facebook so all my numbers had +1 attached to them. so it looked like +1-555-555-5555.so after unsynching and deleting out any +1's. it started sending
that is really weird, I wouldn't think that a 1 would make the difference.

Glad it's working for you again!
The country code shouldn't matter but if it works for you then go with it.
Yea haveing the same prob. And it is the country code that is messing it up

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I think its the "+" that's throwing the messaging off. Has this been an issue all along? It seems like just the past couple of months that these threads have been popping up.

DroidForums Junkie!!
need help

so i think i figured out the problem. my phone was sync'ed with facebook so all my numbers had +1 attached to them. so it looked like +1-555-555-5555.so after unsynching and deleting out any +1's. it started sending

Hey so you figured it out cause i tried to text through handcent without the +1 and it worked but i can not figure out how to unsync my contacts from facebook or delete the +1 because the number in my contacts is locked if you could help me by explaining how to unsync from facebook i would really appreciate it thanks
This is exactly right. I have had the same annoying issue with certain texts not sending. I do have Handcent installed, though sometimes I just use the regular text app.

It's the Facebook contacts where I have the problem because Facebook puts the 1 in front of the number. I had to go into my contacts for those people and unlink them from Facebook. Problem solved.

Thanks so much for pointing me in this direction. I was pulling my hair out!
I'm having this issue, except my contacts don't have the "+1" in front. It's becoming more frequent now, but when I try to send a text message, a lot of the times it will just hang and never send. I'll never know until I check it. I'll go into the thread, and the pinwheel will still be spinning--even hours later. It is the most frustrating thing. I don't want to go back to GOsms because I got fed up with all the spam they were sending. I like Handcent, but I might just go back to stock, because this text not sending issue is driving me crazy.. and I've tried all the other sms apps. They just aren't for me =P
Someone please help before I take myself out the game haha