One of the functions lost with JB was the ability to send text massages to groups in contracts. I like the stock messaging app just fine, and while the ICS messaging required going into contacts, selecting a group, taping menu, message, then you could send a text to the group.
That is gone with JB unless i just haven't figured it out yet.
I've tried Go, Chomp, Handsent, and Pansi.
Each will send to a group but I've gotten force close on each at different times.
Does anyone know if 4.2 text has the ability to select groups to send a text and where that apk might be found?
I'm not really concerned with the group reply thing, just to be able to select a predefined group to send a text to.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
That is gone with JB unless i just haven't figured it out yet.
I've tried Go, Chomp, Handsent, and Pansi.
Each will send to a group but I've gotten force close on each at different times.
Does anyone know if 4.2 text has the ability to select groups to send a text and where that apk might be found?
I'm not really concerned with the group reply thing, just to be able to select a predefined group to send a text to.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2