GPS Question? Coordinates/Geocaching?


Nov 12, 2009
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How do I manually add coordinates into the phone? Am I able to use it for geocaching, or is there an app for this?

Thanks in advance
Look for GEOBEAGLE in the market. By far the best application for the droid so far at least until Geocaching<dot>com comes out with an app that will load all caches automatically.
Thanks for your reply! Yes, I loaded Geobeagle last week and loaded a cache from geocaching<dot>com. All went smoothly, however I must be missing something, as it shows where the cache is, but doesn't really direct me there like other gps's would.

I must be doing something wrong, or I'm expecting too much out of Geobeagle?

Any advice?
First, thanks to fjmarch for directing me to geobeagle. I read through the online directions (GeoBeagle - Cacheopedia) and followed them step by step, and it seems to work (it's snowing outside and I ain't going out in that to look for some one's marble cache).

One point in the direction had me confused, but only briefly. In the instructions "Back to the map selection" section, it says to select Google Maps. That is referring to the line item list (dots) directly under the section "For online maps...", third item down. My first impulse was to select " Google Map" but that only opens up another browser page. Selecting the third item "Google Maps" allows the query window "Complete action using" to come up, where you can check the Use by Default box and then select GeoBeagle.

Once you've done that, the DROID will go back into the GeoBeagle program, displaying a big honkin' arrow on the screen with the distance, degrees, cache ID and several buttons for the map and's pages.
First, thanks to fjmarch for directing me to geobeagle. I read through the online directions (GeoBeagle - Cacheopedia) and followed them step by step, and it seems to work (it's snowing outside and I ain't going out in that to look for some one's marble cache).

One point in the direction had me confused, but only briefly. In the instructions "Back to the map selection" section, it says to select Google Maps. That is referring to the line item list (dots) directly under the section "For online maps...", third item down. My first impulse was to select " Google Map" but that only opens up another browser page. Selecting the third item "Google Maps" allows the query window "Complete action using" to come up, where you can check the Use by Default box and then select GeoBeagle.

This was the same confusion I had at first, but I figured it out after trial and error.
It does work well. Only 1 problem. If i close the app and reopen it to look for another cache it goes directly to the large arrow pointing toward my previous cache. I have difficulty erasing the previous destination. Anyone know how to erase it so when I open the geobeagle app it goes directly to it's home page?
Another handy tool for geocaching with an android device is -- it's not an app but a mobile web site for paperless caching.

Thanks for your reply! Yes, I loaded Geobeagle last week and loaded a cache from geocaching<dot>com. All went smoothly, however I must be missing something, as it shows where the cache is, but doesn't really direct me there like other gps's would.

I must be doing something wrong, or I'm expecting too much out of Geobeagle?

Any advice?

I have loaded "c:geo" it gives you ALL. Now I have only used on one cache so far but it looks like it is going to work. Clodbuster 2
Thanks for your reply! Yes, I loaded Geobeagle last week and loaded a cache from geocaching<dot>com. All went smoothly, however I must be missing something, as it shows where the cache is, but doesn't really direct me there like other gps's would.

I must be doing something wrong, or I'm expecting too much out of Geobeagle?

Any advice?

I have loaded "c:geo" it gives you ALL. Now I have only used on one cache so far but it looks like it is going to work. Clodbuster 2
I started to geocache in June and have 44 of 48 looked for using c:geo. It is by far the best Android geocaching program out there. did hastily release a $9.99 geocaching app for the android but run, run as far away from that as possible. It is very much inferior to the FREE app by c:geo.
there are MANY geocaching programs. all let you use coordinates.

Almost all will let you sync individual targets, many will let you use the premium pocket queries (just plug/mount your droid, and copy to the download folder on the sd card) or upload pocket queries to bcaching (if using geobeagle or geohunter or a few others)

By far the best way to go is c:geo and the live map or search nearby function.