GPS issue


New Member
Sep 30, 2010
Reaction score
Out geocaching with wife. My GPS is so slow it is useless. The wife has an iPhone and she is not having a problem. This sux. Any suggestions.
Welcome to the forum!
Can you tell us the make & model of your device, who your carrier is and what you've done so far to remedy the problem? Have you taken an update lately on your device?

S5 tap'n
I have a droid max HD phone. I have installed all updates. I can turn off data and my location does not jump around. But then I cannot download the maps. I believe the problem is due to only picking up 1 or 2 satellites and at times having 1x and very weak tower reception. I'm so far away from civilization that some people around here don't know what a cell phone or GPS is used for.
Anyhow, I believe my problem is related to signal availability and not so much the phone.
Do you know which Android phone has the best reception?
Tks for the help.
In that case there isn't really much you can do outside off moving closer to civilization or looking into another carrier that may have better overall reception in your area. If you intend to update to a newer flagship device, you should get fairly equal reception across the board. You can stick with another Moto device as those (generally) get the best reception. That said, we've had a number of folks claim they had weaker reception, so it's a crap shoot really. Like I said, any of your newer flagship devices should suit you just fine. Obviously your general location will always come into play and nobody can really help you with that.
Hang in there, hopefully some of our other members who have a similar situation will weigh in and give you some useful information.
Good luck!

S5 tap'n
No substitute for a REAL GPS, garmin or Magellan with base maps and topo maps. No phone signal no worries.
I use Here maps and downloaded the offline maps. There are a few free open source map programs that let you have offline and don't require any data. Just gps signal.

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