I'm having difficulty setting up my phone to use Google Voice for all calls, after I selected Google voicemail in Settings> Call Settings> Voicemail service. Here's what happens:<br />
<br />
1. I go into Settings>Call Settings>Voicemail settings to set up Google Voicemail. I see a "Welcome to Google Voice" message and tap Next.<br />
2. I select the gmail account that's tied to my Google Voice number, and tap Sign in.<br />
3. I see a screen "Set up Google Voice" that lets me know this is a two-step process, first to decide which calls to make with Google Voice, and second that Google Voice needs to configure my voicemail. I tap Next.<br />
4. Under "Making calls with Google Voice" I select "Ask every time I make a call" and tap Next.<br />
5. I see a "Set up voicemail" screen with the message "In order to configure your voicemail we need to access your current settings." I tap Next.<br />
6. Now the message is "To set up Google Voice as the voicemail provider on your phone you need to enter a special provisioning code. Please dial *7xxxxxxxxxxx to configure your phone." The x's are my Google Voice number and the code is a link. I tap that link, the phone dials, and I hear a busy tone and some beeps, then the call ends and returns to this same screen. So I tap Configure.<br />
7. Crash! "Sorry. The application Google Voice (process.com.google.android.apps.googlevoice) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." Force close.<br />
8. Now the message is "In order to configure your voicemail we need to access your current settings." I tap Next.<br />
9. A progress bar appears, labeled "Accessing voicemail settings" -- and it hangs there indefinitely, every time. I've let it go for an hour with no luck. I tap Cancel.<br />
Now it's necessary to power off the phone, to reset the voicemail setup.<br />
I repeat steps 1-5. In step 6, instead of tapping the code link, I go to the second sentence on that screen. "If you experience problems, please visit the Google Voice Help Center for more information." Help Center is a link and I tap it.<br />
<br />
In the Help Center I tap "Google Voice Apps Troubleshooting" where I answer a series of questions:<br />
Do you have a Google Voice account? - Yes<br />
Is the device's phone number listed as a forwarding phone on your Google Voice account? - Yes<br />
Is the device's phone number verified as a forwarding phone on your Google Voice account? - Yes<br />
<br />
Is outgoing Caller ID enabled on your device? - I have no idea how to answer this! I've looked everywhere for how to set outgoing Caller ID. If I tap "no" I am given a selection of Android or Blackberry, and tapping Android offers a set of instructions on how to find the setting---but the instructions are wrong for my phone. (If I select "yes" to answer the question, I get a message that I'm all set. That's no help, because the voicemail settings still are not set up on the phone.)<br />
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So I'm at a dead end. How can I get this set up correctly? I tried searching the forum and found nothing at all about this problem, so I am fervently hoping someone has been through the setup and found a way to work out or work around these problems. Any advice?<br />
<br />
Cheers!<br />
<br />
1. I go into Settings>Call Settings>Voicemail settings to set up Google Voicemail. I see a "Welcome to Google Voice" message and tap Next.<br />
2. I select the gmail account that's tied to my Google Voice number, and tap Sign in.<br />
3. I see a screen "Set up Google Voice" that lets me know this is a two-step process, first to decide which calls to make with Google Voice, and second that Google Voice needs to configure my voicemail. I tap Next.<br />
4. Under "Making calls with Google Voice" I select "Ask every time I make a call" and tap Next.<br />
5. I see a "Set up voicemail" screen with the message "In order to configure your voicemail we need to access your current settings." I tap Next.<br />
6. Now the message is "To set up Google Voice as the voicemail provider on your phone you need to enter a special provisioning code. Please dial *7xxxxxxxxxxx to configure your phone." The x's are my Google Voice number and the code is a link. I tap that link, the phone dials, and I hear a busy tone and some beeps, then the call ends and returns to this same screen. So I tap Configure.<br />
7. Crash! "Sorry. The application Google Voice (process.com.google.android.apps.googlevoice) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." Force close.<br />
8. Now the message is "In order to configure your voicemail we need to access your current settings." I tap Next.<br />
9. A progress bar appears, labeled "Accessing voicemail settings" -- and it hangs there indefinitely, every time. I've let it go for an hour with no luck. I tap Cancel.<br />
Now it's necessary to power off the phone, to reset the voicemail setup.<br />
I repeat steps 1-5. In step 6, instead of tapping the code link, I go to the second sentence on that screen. "If you experience problems, please visit the Google Voice Help Center for more information." Help Center is a link and I tap it.<br />
<br />
In the Help Center I tap "Google Voice Apps Troubleshooting" where I answer a series of questions:<br />
Do you have a Google Voice account? - Yes<br />
Is the device's phone number listed as a forwarding phone on your Google Voice account? - Yes<br />
Is the device's phone number verified as a forwarding phone on your Google Voice account? - Yes<br />
<br />
Is outgoing Caller ID enabled on your device? - I have no idea how to answer this! I've looked everywhere for how to set outgoing Caller ID. If I tap "no" I am given a selection of Android or Blackberry, and tapping Android offers a set of instructions on how to find the setting---but the instructions are wrong for my phone. (If I select "yes" to answer the question, I get a message that I'm all set. That's no help, because the voicemail settings still are not set up on the phone.)<br />
<br />
So I'm at a dead end. How can I get this set up correctly? I tried searching the forum and found nothing at all about this problem, so I am fervently hoping someone has been through the setup and found a way to work out or work around these problems. Any advice?<br />
<br />
Cheers!<br />