New Member
Hi - I've had my 1st smartphone now for about a month - love it. I started trying out the Google voice app - specifically things like "Call...." and "Send txt to....". What I've found the app works correctly for a couple of my contacts but not the rest. Example "Send txt to John Smith How are you?" results in a correctly addressed and filled in msg waiting for me to press "Send". Another contact named "Julian", also just a cell phone contact, results in an empty "To:" with the msg body of "Julian How are you".
Many of the contacts I have result in the same manner - the recipient not filled in and instead put in the msg body.
I've watched the video and looked over the manual but I don't see anything/setting/etc that I may have missed. Have I missed something?
Many of the contacts I have result in the same manner - the recipient not filled in and instead put in the msg body.
I've watched the video and looked over the manual but I don't see anything/setting/etc that I may have missed. Have I missed something?