google map/nav question


New Member
May 13, 2010
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I used google maps once on a road trip and am not sure what I did to get it to do this but I was able to get the screen to look like a 'drive mode' much like a tom tom. Don't know what happened but now I can't get that mode back as all I can get is something that looks like a map. I have to scroll with my finger while I am driving too. What did I do wrong? The 'drive mode' kept the screen lit and did not blank out but apparently it has returned to this map mode instead of a mode that really acts and looks like a useable gps.
First, are you setting a route or just want it to tell you where you are all the time?

If you have a route set and it's not following, then just tap the little blue arrow icon on the screen to make it follow your position.
my point is that I had a mode enacted that actually followed your progress without tapping on the screen, the screen never blanked out while in use and it looked like a tom tom with actual 3D perspective.
It should follow you all the time unless you manually move the map. Once you manually move it, you have to click the arrow. After clicking the arrow it should stay with you till you manually move the map again.

As far as keeping it from turning the screen off, there's not built in option that I'm aware of. You either need to use a dock with a magnet to trigger the gps mode or use an app like dockrunner to enter the mode. Maybe that's what you did before?
And maybe worth mentioning, since they updated google maps again a day or two ago there is now a Navigation link in the app drawer that loads straight into navigation rather than normal maps.
i got it

I found it!

It's the upper left hand button that looks like an arrow as well. It toggles the map to a mode that looks 3d in perspective, follows your progress and does not shut off or go to a blank screen to save battery. It is much better than the default mode that requires you to manually do things.

In this mode I can put the phone in one of those car docks and I don't have to touch it ever.
When I open maps I don't see an arrow in the upper left hand corner. Describe exactly what you're doing.
that's the arrow I was referring to.

it will only show up if you are in navigation mode on a route. not just looking at a map.
But you were referring to the blue arrow. The one I touched was in the upper left.
Oh damn. I want a view like that without have to put a route in. Just a "follow me" feature.

There are several things I would like to see added to GPS/Navigation.

1. The follow me feature. I'd like to have the map face the direction I am going instead of North always top while in Map mode.

2. In Navigation mode, it would be nice to set avoidances. Like avoid toll roads.
If you toggle that arrow in the upper left it will go into a mode that is 3d and moves in the direction you are driving. you apparently have to program a route though so that kinda sucks. I too hate how the map mode always faces north. my brain doesn't sift through data like that.

you could trick it by programming a route but disregard the destination. turn the voice off so it doesn't annoy you. This way it is a 'follow me' mode that follows your path so the 'always north' issue is gone.
There are several things I would like to see added to GPS/Navigation.

1. The follow me feature. I'd like to have the map face the direction I am going instead of North always top while in Map mode.

2. In Navigation mode, it would be nice to set avoidances. Like avoid toll roads.

For #1 -- From this post: Another work around option is to set a location a few hundred feet from where you are. Once you reach the location the map will change to Google Street View. There should be an arrow in the bottom left corner, and when you hit that you will return the the "Follow Me Map". As long as you only hit that arrow, and not the back button it should continue to follow you around. The only glitch I found was when you are stopped, it will return to the bird's eye view, but as soon as you start moving again it will return to the following mode.

For #2 -- the latest Maps update adds this option, either in the Maps app (When you're the black screen that shows the turn-by-turn text directions, click Menu, then select Options), or in the Navigation app itself (Click on the gears icon in the Route Info screen).