god i dont know what i should do


Mar 4, 2011
Reaction score
I have a POS env touch that is broken right now, Mutes people when they call, presses buttons by its self, and it shuts off like 5 times a day. Im so fed up with it i went into verizon and was looking at the Droit X. But now this Thunderbolt is supposed to come out. But if its not comming out until april idk if i can wait for that. Thing thunderbolt will be worth the wait? Should i just suck it up and wait. Or should i say F it and get a droid x. I mean any phone from the phone i have now is going to be a big step up.
Definitely wait. The Droid X will be EOL by the end of March, while the ThunderBolt will be out before the end of March.

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If you are in a 4G area def wait.. if not then ehhh.. I would stil wait.. find a cheap flip phone on cragislist that you can activate to make calls.. that might get you by for now.. oh and welcome to the forums.. :) Great place to be...
im no longer waiting, i've decided for what im gonna use a smartphone for, the tbolt isnt worth it
Thanks for the replies, maybe ill look for a flip phone for now like you said wctaylor. I would hate to buy a phone now and have the tbolt come out a week later lol
I'm pretty much in the same boat. Envy Touch acting up like crazy. Really thought Thunderbolt would happen but this is ridiculous. I blame no one but Verizon. I am going today over to Cricket to see what they have. I know they have way better prices anyway. Maybe a little better company management too. For a whole lot of reasons I think I am done with Big Red.
i was in the same boat. my env3 was on its last leg. then i dropped it in a bowl of water lol so i had to switch to an old phone until the tb comes out. if you don't have any old phones, just get one on CL. no reason to buy what will be an outdated phone soon. if you don't want the tb there are some other phones coming soon (samsung stealth, incredible 2, etc.).
i was in the same boat. my env3 was on its last leg. then i dropped it in a bowl of water lol so i had to switch to an old phone until the tb comes out. if you don't have any old phones, just get one on CL. no reason to buy what will be an outdated phone soon. if you don't want the tb there are some other phones coming soon (samsung stealth, incredible 2, etc.).

This. If you absolutely need a phone, there are plenty of cheap used ones on craigslist, etc. No need to burn ~$200 and your upgrade for a phone that is effectively already outdated.
You can buy a Droid 1 off contract on craigslist for < $120 .... ebay tends to be much more expensive (at least 200)