Go Back to Old Baseband???


Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
I found a post in the Moto Droid forum about reverting to a previous version of the baseband, I think that's what I need to do.

Does anybody know where I can get the file to install?
I'm still unclear on what your trying to do. What are you at and where are you trying to go?

IE Which radio and hboot are you on?
OK, I wanted to go to the leaked 2.2 ROM, so I did the following:

Un-root via PB31
Apply Baseband Update - to
Re Root/Re Flash
Install ROM

Everything works fine except that my reception is now terrible. Where it used to be good it's now bad, where it used to be bad it's now zero.

As I said in my other post, I can't unroot now, it says the PB31 file is too old (I think due to the baseband update)

Also, as I said in my first post for this thread, I've seen people talking about going back to a previous baseband version to fix similar situations (in the moto droid section) and I think that's what I need to do.

BTW Doug, Thank you for always being so helpful.
Here's a great video that worked for me. If you click "more info" under the video, he has a link to the files you need. I did this yesterday and it worked great. When I was done, I restored a nandroid backup and was on my way with the original baseband. Good luck.

YouTube - ‪mejdam's Channel‬‎
Wow, you guys are awesome. I don't know why I didn't find that stuff when I searched. THANK YOU SO MUCH!