Gmail app locking up


Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
Richmond, Va
When I go to the gmail app, I am unable to select any emails. I can't escape from the app by hitting the back arrow key either. If I hit home, I will exit, but it will sometimes go right back in to it. Any thoughts, suggestions or alternatives?
When I go to the gmail app, I am unable to select any emails. I can't escape from the app by hitting the back arrow key either. If I hit home, I will exit, but it will sometimes go right back in to it. Any thoughts, suggestions or alternatives?

First thing I would do is go to the home screen, press the <menu> button, select <settings>, then <applications>, then <running services>, then click on the <all> tab at the top, scroll down to Gmail and select it. There you'll have several selection buttons. I want you to select <Clear cache>. Once completed, select <Force stop> & choose <Ok>.

Now hit <home> and try again. If the problem still persists, follow all the menu choices above, but instead of choosing <Clear cache>, I want you to choose <Clear data>. Again, it will warn you but that's Ok. You will loose your preferences and all email stored on the phone, and you may have to re-register the Google email account, but once you've done that, it should perform properly from there forward.

Good luck. ;)
I tried both of Fox Kat's suggestions to no avail. As to you questions, I would have to say yes, yes and yes. I have tried to disable syncing email and clearing the cache, but it doesn't like that - wants to force me to sync it
There also appears to be a screen that pops up before it goes to sync email, but it doesn't stay up long enough to see what it is
@Docs Dad - DUH- Didn't realize you keyed in a link! Haven't had a change to check Droid Life yet this morning. Yup, that seems like my problem. I'm pretty sure it worked last night, because I backed some stuff up and I'm sure I was able to open emails then. anyway, I worked around the problem by setting up the email in the stock email app as opposed to the stock gmail app (if you know what I mean). Posted my work around on one of those boards linked from DL. I need to put the phone down now and do some work!