So over the last year I've been just forwarding my .edu email to my gmail account. problem with this is, I can't respond on my phone using my .edu address since it will respond as my gmail address.
So I went to and configured it to use my .edu address, and it does when I'm in the browser. The thing is, I can't use this .edu option in the gmail app. Any ideas?
Cliffs: I want to be able to respond to an email using my .edu school email but through my gmail app on my phone
thanks everyone
So I went to and configured it to use my .edu address, and it does when I'm in the browser. The thing is, I can't use this .edu option in the gmail app. Any ideas?
Cliffs: I want to be able to respond to an email using my .edu school email but through my gmail app on my phone
thanks everyone