Gear Fit Color Notes


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Sep 5, 2010
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Gear Fit Color Note - Android Apps on Google Play
This one might have been out a while but I found out only a couple of weeks ago. It's $1.48 U.S. on the Play Store.
I like making notes, lists and stuff for when I'm out and about and with my smartwatch it's nice to have another way to not use the phone. With this app you can create a note either on the phone or watch ( though much more cumbersome on the tiny watch keyboard that has only "abc" method) and use the Fit to check it out. You can change colors of the note header. This is handy if you've got notes for different topics. It's nothing really complicated to use, just tap a couple of things, give it a title, a color and voila . I've written a couple on the watch when not tethered just to try the standalone capability out. It syncs between devices once the app has been opened if a note was written on the Gear Fit or phone while out of range . If written on the watch, open the app on the phone. If written on the phone, just open it on the Gear.
It's pretty quick to open, syncs really fast and the keyboard processing seems to be one of the best.
Here's a couple of screen shots of the phone app
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I'm not affiliated with the app or developer in any way, am not being compensated in any way, just want to pass along an app that has given me a reason to use my Fit more since S Health ruined what I used it for most in the past. I used to make maps from my hiking, biking or walking sessions and make notes on them. Such as the below where I was kayaking a pond and taking depth readings for bank fishing.

Anyway, for $1.48 it has caused me to pull my Fit out of mothballs since it now is much more useful than a step counter, phone butler and music controller.

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