Gallery will not open!


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
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My gallery wil not after new update, it simply force closes. Help!

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My gallery wil not after new update, it simply force closes. Help!

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please search the X section for "Gallery" and you will find a solution. Ive typed it out so many times. I'm pooped.
If that doesn't work, reformat your card. But make sure you transfer the contents to your pc first

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Well I was kind of just telling him what formatting does....I didn't 3 years ago when I was computer stupid and formatted my phone SD card. Let's just say I was very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very upset and I threw my phone and it broke into two (it was a Samsung Hue) I blame the phone for not warning me and telling me what it does lol
Easy fix. Get 3d gallery from market and look for anomalies like a blank pic by itself. Erase it and problem solved. This happens when using different modes/techniques, its a corrupt file.
Easy fix. Get 3d gallery from market and look for anomalies like a blank pic by itself. Erase it and problem solved. This happens when using different modes/techniques, its a corrupt file.

So your saying that you just need to delete a blank pic? I have six pics with like a contact person in it and a question mark. Is that what you mean by blank pic?
Well I was kind of just telling him what formatting does....I didn't 3 years ago when I was computer stupid and formatted my phone SD card. Let's just say I was very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very upset and I threw my phone and it broke into two (it was a Samsung Hue) I blame the phone for not warning me and telling me what it does lol

Funny post. Thanks for the grin!! :)
Well I was kind of just telling him what formatting does....I didn't 3 years ago when I was computer stupid and formatted my phone SD card. Let's just say I was very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very upset and I threw my phone and it broke into two (it was a Samsung Hue) I blame the phone for not warning me and telling me what it does lol

Funny post. Thanks for the grin!! :)

I try my best :D
If u created it no, but if u dont know how it got there than ya. By blank I mean empty. If u change settings alot or download images alot u might get a corrupted file that may cause gallery issues.
If u created it no, but if u dont know how it got there than ya. By blank I mean empty. If u change settings alot or download images alot u might get a corrupted file that may cause gallery issues.

I think they came from the watermark'd file that didn't work. I'll just delete them since I restored a backup from before I did it and they just sit there.

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Thank you all for your help!

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I downloaded the 3d gallery and had a gallery that said it had one picture, but it was invisible. Once I deleted it, the original gallery started working again.

thanks Droid-Xer