Okay so it ain't a perfect build. There are a few things that don't work.
FreeFormLaw, Droid Forums, XDA, Punk.Caose, JT1134, and any other person that worked on making this rom what it is at the current moment of posting. (meaning the rom, Kernal, Gapps, and odin you are about to download) Are not responsible for anything that you Load onto your phone. If by any means you do not trust the source you should not load anything to your device.
Okay now that i got that donw and we are all happy this is for the fascinate if you don't know how to load this software to your phone then you don't belong in this forum yet you need to go back to the begining and start they way we all did.
Make sure your phone is rooted and has CWM recovery on it. There is no need for voodoo5 any longer on this rom. Thank you to jt1134 for doing that.
Deposit Files
Deposit Files
Deposit Files
DJ05 Modem(the DJ05 Isn't needed but I do need to say this will not work with DL09)
Deposit Files
Odin(odin isn't needed but i amalways trying to find it when i delete it by accident and all the links i find are dead all the time.)
Deposit Files
Okay so enjoy and have fun as i find out about newer updates i will post them.
Any questions don't be afraid to ask.
FreeFormLaw, Droid Forums, XDA, Punk.Caose, JT1134, and any other person that worked on making this rom what it is at the current moment of posting. (meaning the rom, Kernal, Gapps, and odin you are about to download) Are not responsible for anything that you Load onto your phone. If by any means you do not trust the source you should not load anything to your device.
Okay now that i got that donw and we are all happy this is for the fascinate if you don't know how to load this software to your phone then you don't belong in this forum yet you need to go back to the begining and start they way we all did.
Make sure your phone is rooted and has CWM recovery on it. There is no need for voodoo5 any longer on this rom. Thank you to jt1134 for doing that.
Deposit Files
Deposit Files
Deposit Files
DJ05 Modem(the DJ05 Isn't needed but I do need to say this will not work with DL09)
Deposit Files
Odin(odin isn't needed but i amalways trying to find it when i delete it by accident and all the links i find are dead all the time.)
Deposit Files
Okay so enjoy and have fun as i find out about newer updates i will post them.
Any questions don't be afraid to ask.