Free wifi hotspot application?


New Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Hey there folks, first off I would like to say congrats to everyone who got/is getting the Droid X!

Question: So, on my droid I am able to tether for free(not paying Verizon the extra $20 USD/mo [or however much it is]) using PDAnet, does anyone know of a similar application for the Droid X's mobile hotspot feature?

Thanks all.. Now.. you meet my dancing banana:icon_ banana:
I don't think so. I believe you'll have to wait for Froyo for that. Assuming Verizon doesn't gut free mobile hotspot from it.
i think there's been a thread on this previously..just search the forum, there were three options, one being the phone has to be rooted..the other downloading an application but there's a hitch to that ..i dun's around here somewhere...
Free Tether

I was told by Verizon that they are going to nix the free Tether capability somehow in the firmware.
Hey there folks, first off I would like to say congrats to everyone who got/is getting the Droid X!

Question: So, on my droid I am able to tether for free(not paying Verizon the extra $20 USD/mo [or however much it is]) using PDAnet, does anyone know of a similar application for the Droid X's mobile hotspot feature?

Thanks all.. Now.. you meet my dancing banana:icon_ banana:

PDAnet works on the X. You won't be able to do WiFi hotspot for free (unless maybe someone manages to root the device, and even then, VZ should be able to detect if they are packet sniffing). To be honest, they can also tell you are using PDANet, but they currently turn a blind eye unless your data usage is way way out of line with other users.

Hey there folks, first off I would like to say congrats to everyone who got/is getting the Droid X!

Question: So, on my droid I am able to tether for free(not paying Verizon the extra $20 USD/mo [or however much it is]) using PDAnet, does anyone know of a similar application for the Droid X's mobile hotspot feature?

Thanks all.. Now.. you meet my dancing banana:icon_ banana:

PDAnet works on the X. You won't be able to do WiFi hotspot for free (unless maybe someone manages to root the device, and even then, VZ should be able to detect if they are packet sniffing). To be honest, they can also tell you are using PDANet, but they currently turn a blind eye unless your data usage is way way out of line with other users.


Probably the case as I've been tethering through my WinMo without any issues.