Found the main source of my battery drain...


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Current Phone Model
Moto Turbo 2
HIGH ACCURACY Location setting.
Set that to DEVICE ONLY and got nearly 30%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more battery life.
And that 30% guesstimate might actually be low....
I was above 50% after a full day yesterday. Unheard of for me.
I kind of always assumed I needed High Accuracy for Ingress... this is NOT the case. Device only works fine.

Just wanted to share. Much happier with my battery now.
HIGH ACCURACY Location setting.
Set that to DEVICE ONLY and got nearly 30%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more battery life.
And that 30% guesstimate might actually be low....
I was above 50% after a full day yesterday. Unheard of for me.
I kind of always assumed I needed High Accuracy for Ingress... this is NOT the case. Device only works fine.

Just wanted to share. Much happier with my battery now.
Also in advance wifi setting check use " wi-fi optimization" to minimize battery usage when wifi is on.
Yeah I have location turned off and keep it off completely until it is called for. Apps will prompt you for it when needed.
I leave mine on battery saving and just switch to high accuracy as needed.
I know the Turbo and Maxx are different, but they do share some similar functionality. Just curious if you use the Driving Mode feature on your Turbo? If so, does it work when Location is set to anything other than High Accuracy? I use driving mode all the time with my Maxx and Location must be set to High Accuracy for driving mode to work. Just curious if that was different on the Turbo?
I believe turbo requires it on high accuracy. Didn't work for me on battery saving
WiFi Optimization is turned on.

I can't live with out Driving Mode. I use that nearly every day. I'll be bummed if High Accuracy is required with that.
HIGH ACCURACY Location setting.
Set that to DEVICE ONLY and got nearly 30%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more battery life.
And that 30% guesstimate might actually be low....
I was above 50% after a full day yesterday. Unheard of for me.
I kind of always assumed I needed High Accuracy for Ingress... this is NOT the case. Device only works fine.

Just wanted to share. Much happier with my battery now.
Device only is GPS, which draws quite a lot of battery. Seems like battery saver would be better because it only uses wifi and mobile networks, and it's very accurate. That's what I use unless I need GPS for a specific function.
Device only is GPS, which draws quite a lot of battery. Seems like battery saver would be better because it only uses wifi and mobile networks, and it's very accurate. That's what I use unless I need GPS for a specific function.

I would have thought the same, but results don't lie. I am getting insane (for me) battery life the past 3 days on DEVICE ONLY.
Mobile Network location is terrible while playing Ingress. Nearly useless unless you like to cheat. ;)
I know the Turbo and Maxx are different, but they do share some similar functionality. Just curious if you use the Driving Mode feature on your Turbo? If so, does it work when Location is set to anything other than High Accuracy? I use driving mode all the time with my Maxx and Location must be set to High Accuracy for driving mode to work. Just curious if that was different on the Turbo?
It needs GPS so I think it would work in device only. It won't in battery saver.
OK so I just installed this in my car:

Moto Assist

  • Assist will learn your car’s Bluetooth and will automatically start drive mode when it sees your phone connected to it
Apparently this supersedes any other trigger for Driving Mode.

I have almost exactly the same BT receiver in my Jeep (works awesome by the way!) I have the same setting enabled on my Maxx but that has never triggered Driving Mode by itself. On the Maxx and Moto X i believe that the main trigger is 20 MPH and higher (or close to that), and the BT device is a secondary trigger. Every time I have turned off High Accuracy I get a message that Assist needs it for Driving Mode to work. It may be different on the Turbo. I kind of hope it is...then it's one more reason I can use to justify buying a Turbo! :cool:
Thank me later, Sajo. ;)

According to Moto on the very different Maxx page re: Moto Assist
Using Motorola Assist

It says:
Assist will learn your car’s Bluetooth and will automatically start drive mode when it sees your phone connected to it
NOTE: Bluetooth drive detection requires an updated version of Motorola Contextual Services from the Play Store
Download here: Motorola Contextual Services - Android Apps on Google Play

Of course, if yours is up to date.. :( Don't thank me later...
Thank me later, Sajo. ;)

According to Moto on the very different Maxx page re: Moto Assist
Using Motorola Assist

It says:
Assist will learn your car’s Bluetooth and will automatically start drive mode when it sees your phone connected to it
NOTE: Bluetooth drive detection requires an updated version of Motorola Contextual Services from the Play Store
Download here: Motorola Contextual Services - Android Apps on Google Play

Of course, if yours is up to date.. :( Don't thank me later...

Everything is up-to-date on my phone. I have just never seen Driving Mode start by BT connection alone. It was either this forum or the Moto forum that someone explained that the main trigger was speed (so it does not trigger when jogging and wearing a BT headset, etc.) and the BT device just helps trigger. My wife and I both use it a lot and it has never triggered below 20 - 25 MPH even with a recognized BT device connected.
*Snap. Tells you right in the app.

Moto > Assist > Driving... "!Set Location Mode To High Accuracy!"
So either I have a sucky battery or I get to drive safely. Seriously Moto???

There is a More Options > Advanced BT Devices > Improve Driving Detection
which was turned off on mine. Don't think that will bypass High Accuracy.