Found an interesting trick: Send a call to voicemail


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Dec 28, 2009
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Sorry if this is posted somewhere, but I wanted to post about my discovery.

I've had some random numbers and bill collectors call me over the last week. I made a contact for one and kept adding the numbers into that contact. If you open any contact, then push menu and select "options" (not edit contact), you get an option to send a call from that contact directly to voicemail. The phone doesn't even ring. Hotness.
yes that is a great function i use it because i have these telemarketers from india that wont stop calling me
wow that sounds like a helpful feature.

got some contacts to go through now....
Ah...that's where I'd seen that option. Had been looking for it in the edit section.

Now, what I'm looking for is something that'll let me create group in the contacts and be able to make that whole group (4-5 people) go to voicemail and be able to switch it off and on easily without having to go to each one and do it.
Now if you use Google voice, you can setup a custom voicemail message set to that contact. Feel free to use your imagination as to the fun you could have with that.
Now if you use Google voice, you can setup a custom voicemail message set to that contact. Feel free to use your imagination as to the fun you could have with that.

yea i used it today for a window store, i used the default message sorry but this line has been disconnected lol i love it
Thanks for the info this will definitely be used lol. I learn something new about this phone everyday.
Do you know if the call will still go into call history?
You can also make your phone block calls using Google voice. When somebody you don't want calls they will get the " were sorry this phone is no longer connected or no longer in service" I can look for the walk through I posted awhile back if anyone wants it.
You can also make your phone block calls using Google voice. When somebody you don't want calls they will get the " were sorry this phone is no longer connected or no longer in service" I can look for the walk through I posted awhile back if anyone wants it.

I'm interested
Ok, found it. I posted this back in Jan of 2010, but it should still work just fine. I'll help if needed.

How to Block Calls with Google Voice the correct way.
This tutorial is for those that want the blocked call message to come up for your Verizon number and your Google Voice number.

This is from my own trial and error testing. I don’t know if any of these steps is not needed, but I will give all the steps that I used to get it to work. If you have anything to add, please do. I will be using the PC to change most settings on Google Voice, because I find it to be the best way.
If possible have another phone you can test this with.

To lessen confusion, and keep from having to repeat words over and over, here is a list of words and description of their use.

1)Block call message = Tone..Tone…Tone….Were sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again.
2)Verizon Number = Your main number, not your Google Voice number.
3)Google Voice number = google voice number. :)

Do it this way. Do I know why it works this way? No. Does it work this way? Yes, and as long as its working that’s all the matters to me. When I would call my Google Voice number the block call message would come on correctly, but when I called from my Verizon number I would ring a few times then I would get a busy signal. This way makes the block call message show up on both. Here is how to do this:

Step 1) Forward Number.
First open up Google Voice app, click menu button, settings, making calls, check “ Do not use Google Voice to make all calls (you can put your settings back later). Exit out.
Go to Google Voice on your PC, click “settings”, under Phone Tab, click “show advanced settings”, under forward options make sure you have “Go straight to voicemail checked” and click on “Activate”. A popup will appear with instructions to forward your phone. Do it this way
Yes I know you can set up forwarding through the phone way, but for whatever reason as I stated above, the phone way will only allow you to hear the block call message on your Google Voice number , not on your Verizon number. You will just hear a busy signal.

Step 2) Blocking Calls (Do this on the PC)
Ok , set whatever number you want to block to your contacts. After this click on this contact and you will see “Edit Google Voice Settings” Click this, In here you will see “When this contact calls you:” in bold, Click “edit”. Now Click on the bottom circle. In the drop box set it to block caller. Click save.
From here on when that number calls you using your Google Voice number will instantly get the block call message. If they call you from your Verizon number they will hear a few rings first then the block call message will come up.
Now because the Verizon number rings a few times before the block call message, your phone will still ring but here is how to stop that. :)

Step 3) Stop Incoming calls (Do this on the Phone)
Click on Phone, Contacts, Click on the blocked contact, click menu button, click Options, check Incoming calls.
This will stop the phone from ringing, so now no matter which number your block number calls, it will hear the block call message.
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... If you open any contact, then push menu and select "options" (not edit contact), you get an option to send a call from that contact directly to voicemail. The phone doesn't even ring. Hotness.
Fantastic idea. Many thanks.

On the Droid 2, you do select "Edit", then scroll down to Additional info, and at the very bottom, check the option to send all calls to voicemail.

My concern about dropping our landline was that eventually we would get on some telemarketers lists and get unwanted calls with no way to block them. Your solution is much appreciated.
I found that paying my bills on time is a good way to block bill collectors.

But hey if this other method works for you, then go for it!;)