So a friend of mine thought he bricked his Samsung Fascinate, I told him he didn't and we could get it working but he was tired of trying and failing and didn't really see much value in me tinkering with it if he could get it replaced. Situation goes like this, he calls Verizon from his house-line (I was actually in the room with it on SpeakerPhone to listen in) and is convinced he can get a warranty replacement if he plays dumb and says the neighbor-kid was going to fix his wifi issues (he was having issues staying connected to any wifi network). He explained to the tech rep that when his neighbor returned the phone it was in the "bricked" state that he had gotten it. He played dumb and kept saying his neighbor told him it was "booted" but a brick and Verizon probably wouldn't take it back, what he meant was rooted obviously.
The Verizon tech went on to ask some questions and said that he was going to annotate on his account that the phone was being sent back in a rooted state and that they were going to overnight him a new phone. The rep said that Verizon doesn't care about it being rooted and would just reload the stock OS when they got it back. He said since he was dealing with the Verizon warranty and not the Manufacturers, or his insurance provider not to worry because, "Verizon doesn't care if you root your phone."
I'm not saying that the rep didn't just kinda hook him up on the side, but to me this says a lot. *Cough* *Cough* P3 Conspiracy theories be damned. I just thought I would share with everyone and let people make their own decisions about root, and how the phone companies treat it. Lets not make this a flame thread, lets take it for information to the big puzzle about rooting and carrier policies.
The Verizon tech went on to ask some questions and said that he was going to annotate on his account that the phone was being sent back in a rooted state and that they were going to overnight him a new phone. The rep said that Verizon doesn't care about it being rooted and would just reload the stock OS when they got it back. He said since he was dealing with the Verizon warranty and not the Manufacturers, or his insurance provider not to worry because, "Verizon doesn't care if you root your phone."
I'm not saying that the rep didn't just kinda hook him up on the side, but to me this says a lot. *Cough* *Cough* P3 Conspiracy theories be damned. I just thought I would share with everyone and let people make their own decisions about root, and how the phone companies treat it. Lets not make this a flame thread, lets take it for information to the big puzzle about rooting and carrier policies.