I have been running JellyBean 4.1 on my Galaxy Nexus for the past few days. It is running pretty flawlessly and seems to just be a much more polished version of Ice Cream Sandwich. The only glaring issue that I have noticed is that the WiFi has really suffered in all of the JB Roms that I have flashed. Places where I was getting full signal I am now barely getting a signal and sometimes the WiFi can't connect at all. Mwalt2 of XDA discovered a very simple fix for this problem! He pulled the bcmdhd.cal file from the IMM76K build and pushed it to Jelly Bean. He has put together an easy to install flashable.zip file. Just download and install via ClockWorkMod Recovery. Some have suggested wiping cache, but Mwalt2 says it isn't necessary!
Grab the file via XDA, image via The Verge