Finally decided to get the galaxy nexus


Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
san jose
Just got my nexus and I can't stop playing with the face unlock feature lol,but loving the phone also :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
That's the one thing I haven't tried out yet and I've had this thing for awhile. Just don't see any use for it other than the "WOW" factor. But I LOVE this phone.
Welcome to the Galaxy Nexus family!! Get that bad boy rooted and start having some fun with the rooms and kernals.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I see it handy for someone who has a significant other who wants to snoop around in their phone lol but yea for most part its more for a "my phone does something yours cant "lol

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Yeah, I used it for the first 3 weeks or so. It is soooo cool. But got tired of looking at my phone, or entering the back-up pin. I prefer just to launch an app from widgetlocker and go straight into my phone. But it was fun to show off to my friends. :biggrin:
Congrats on picking up a Nexus!!

Also, i moved this thread to the General Discussion area.
Congrats on the gNex!! Enjoy!