Filing & Notifications


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
This is an amazing forum, folks... I'm learning more about my 2 week old Droid here than in the manual!

A couple of questions I can't seem to find an answer for here:

1) is it possible to assign a notification ring to only text messages and not email alerts? My email is coming via Gmail and I don't need to get an alert every time a coupon from Borders (for example) comes thru...

2) this might be a dumb one -- I don't see a capability to file text/MMS messages into different folders (i.e. work, home, etc).

Any ideas here?

thanks in advance,
To turn email notification off, open your email tab, hit menu, account settings, scroll down and un-check email notifications. You'll now only get chimes on text messages.

no idea on #2.
nice one, RacerX...

Wonder if this will work, given that my Gmail notifications are coming from the browser, not the email program?

I'll play around with it...
nice one, RacerX...

Wonder if this will work, given that my Gmail notifications are coming from the browser, not the email program?

I'll play around with it...

The Gmail team has stated they will only fix this issue once the number of votes is high enough.

There is a fair bit of buzz surrounding this issue on the web but the majority of people haven't voted yet.

Issue 4190 - Gmail Notifications Bug

  1. Once your browser is logged into Gmail
  2. Click on the link.
  3. Click on the star.
Your done!

Please vote. The Droid is my favorite phone and I can't rely on it until this issue is fixed so I have to carry around two phones. Please vote and help me get rid of this fanny-pack full of phones!:icon_ banana: