Facebook Message Notification/Alert Problem


New Member
Jul 31, 2010
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Hello my fellow Droid X users. I've come seeking help from your collective wisdom.

So I have added my facebook account to my phone and my problem is that I am not always receiving notifications that I have gotten facebook messages. I can go into messaging and into facebook to see my messages. I don't know how often those messages are refreshed but I don't always receive new messages. Sometimes I receive a message 30 min. later and sometimes it's like 2 hours after the post time. And on top of that sometimes I go to check the inbox and find that there was a new message and I just didn't get a notification. I don't want to go hit refresh to get new messages, cause that kinda defeats the purpose of the notifications.

When it does work, I do like it but the inconsistency of updating my inbox and sending me notifications is really bugging me. I also have facebook for android, set the notifications to 30 mins but sometimes I don't even receive those notifications. Is it possible that the app is interferring with the messaging inbox or something?

I've googled a bit and all I can find pre-droid x posts and facebook contact sync issues nothing that seems like what I'm dealing with.

Hopefully someone can help me before I try calling moto support, ugh.
You will find that no matter what, you will never get rock-solid/accurate notifications with Facebook using the default "Social Networking" app, or the "Facebook for Android" app. However, I have heard of something called "Bloo" that supposedly works; Google it.

Another method is to enable e-mail notifications through Facebook.
Damn I was afraid of that I'll give Bloo a try.
I've installed Bloo and set it to check for notifications every 2 minutes and sent some messages to myself. It's been more than two minutes and no notification, it seems as spotty as the messaging facebook inbox.
Setting your gmail account as your login for facebook will cause a conflict. I wasn't getting any notifications through the facebook app after i changed my email login for FB. I would get the email but the app wouldn't notify me. I had to go into the FB account settings and uncheck all the boxes for notifications so FB doesnt email me when i get comments, wall posts....etc. Now it works as intended.